Subject Progression
Click on the links below to read about our computing curriculum.
In KS1, computing is taught through both discrete sessions and within topic and science lessons. Computing lessons take place at least once a week. Children in KS2 receive an IJam sessions for 1 lesson per week, which teach the computing objectives in an exciting way which fully engages the children. For example, the children may learn computing through making music or animations. Teachers are able to book laptops or IPads for use in discreet ICT lessons or for teaching ICT through other subject areas. Internet access is planned to enrich and extend learning activities. The school has acknowledged the need to ensure that all pupils are responsible and safe users of the Internet and other communication technologies. Although the school offers a safe online environment through filtered internet access, we recognise the importance of teaching our children about online safety and their responsibilities when using communication technology. An E-safety policy has thus been drawn up to protect all parties and rules for responsible computer use are discussed with each child. This forms part of studies in Computing and is discussed as part of some PSHE lessons.
At West Road, we believe the children are the voice of the school. We have computing ‘E-Cadets’ who ensure they drive forwards internet safety both inside and outside of school.

Our internet safety display that is situated in our ICT suite.