Welcome to KS1!
Here is the team:
Class 2 (Year 1 Turtles) led by Mrs J Dixon
Class 3 (Year 1/2 Jellyfish) led by Miss M Krajnik
Class 4 (Year 2 Sharks) led by Miss E Hartshorne
Key information:
Star of the week: Star of the week assembly takes place on a Friday at 09:00. Two adults for each star can join us in school to celebrate their child’s achievement.
PE: Y1 PE days are: Monday and Wednesday.
PE: Y2 PE days are: Monday(5 and 6), Tuesday (C6) and Thursday (C5).
Reading Books: Please read 3 times a week at home as this positively impacts your child’s progress in reading and writing. If your child reads 3 times a week, they will be a Reader Leader and could receive a certificate in our Reader Leader assembly. Teachers also select a child each week to receive a ‘golden ticket’ which allows them to borrow a reading for pleasure book from our school library.
Reading for Pleasure Books: Alongside your child’s reading book which is tailored to their reading level, your child will also be given a ‘reading for pleasure’ book. This book is for you to share together at home to promote a love of reading. Reading for pleasure books will be changed when returned to school.
Homework: Your child will be given homework on a Friday. They have until the following Thursday to complete their homework and hand it back to the class teacher.
Class Emails: Please feel free to contact any member of the KS1 staff should you have questions or queries.
Class 2 – class2@westrd.doncaster.sch.uk
Class 3 – class3@westrd.doncaster.sch.uk
Class 4 – class4@westrd.doncaster.sch.uk
Year 1 and 2 homework is given out on a Friday and needs to be handed in by the following Friday. It is a vital part of your child’s progress so please support us in completing this.
Useful websites to access to further your child’s learning:
Useful Websites:
Ed Shed: Your child’s login will be in their reading diary. Use the link to access various games and quizzes linked to maths, phonics and spelling. https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/menu
Times Table Rockstars / Numbots: Your child’s login will be in their reading diary. Use the link to access the website or download the app. https://ttrockstars.com/
Weekly News in KS1