
The Trust’s Safeguarding Statement can be found here.

Our school safeguarding policy can be found here.

For anyone who wishes to bring anything to our attention please email

Our Safeguarding Team

Mrs Lambert

Designated Safeguarding


Mrs Holloway

Deputy Safeguarding


Other Safeguarding Staff in School

Ms Woodward

Acting Headteacher

Mr Silvester

Lead Deputy Head

Miss Purdy

Deputy Head

Miss Northwood

Assistant Head

Worried about a child?

Doncaster Children’s Services are always there for our children, young people and families 24 hours day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

If you are worried about child and wish to speak to a person you can contact us by calling 01302 737777 or in the evening or at weekends call 01302 796000.

You can also record your concerns online at

This can be done anonymously.

Useful Links