At West Road, we believe that science helps to provoke a curiosity about the world around us. Children are encouraged to ask questions and use a range of enquiry types to complete investigations. The science curriculum at West Road covers a variety of scientific processes and skills. These skills can then be transferred and applied to other areas of the curriculum and real life situations. We seek to inspire children to learn through experimentation and linking all learning together. Through the curriculum, children will learn about the history and development of scientific thinking and technology. This promotes an understanding that ideas change and we are always discovering new things. They will learn that the world is always adapting the more we find out. The science curriculum is designed to develop a range of transferable skills and a love for discovery and experimentation.

Science is taught weekly in each class across the school, with the aim that children can achieve depth in their learning. The school follows PKC planning, using the key concepts in each topic to ensure progression at all stages. This is presented through knowledge organisers which map out the key content of each unit of work. At the beginning of each topic, children consider the questions, ‘What do I already know?’, ‘What would I like to know?’ and, ‘What have I learnt?’ This informs the programme of study and also ensures that lessons are relevant and take account of children’s different starting points. Lessons are designed to include children of all abilities and ensure that they can all demonstrate progress and is in line with the school’s commitment to inclusion. Pre and post assessments take place for each unit in the form of a quiz or game.

There’s been lots happening in science across the school last year. There have been some science-based trips (the Botanical Gardens and the Tropical House) where children had the opportunity to get up close to plants and animals that they were studying. All children involved were able to relay that learning back to the classroom and this supported their learning in science.  This year, there are more trips and visitors planned. UKS2 might be fortunate enough to visit the National Space Museum and we have been looking at using some VR equipment to ‘explore’ the human body. There will be some fantastic opportunities to conduct investigations in classrooms and for children to investigate theories for themselves.